Detect Fraud & Non Fraud Transaction with Machine Learning Tools and Neural Networks using Python

Introduction This is the detail walk through for detecting fraud with the Keras using Tensor Flow in backend, with Imbalanced data. Purpose of this documentation is to design a personalized module. Let's start from requirements, Requirements: Python 3 Jupyter NoteBook Intermediate Knowledge of Python Libraries Hands-on experiance with Machine Learning Libraries Hands-on experience with Deep Learning Libraries Tensorflow and Keras Labeled Dataset Guidelines to Read the document 1. I tried to make this article as simple as possible, most of the codes are not written down. 2. Codes are written in Italic scripts in Blue Color . 3. Steps are written down in Maroon Color 4. Output of the code are written dow under Output [] 5. Figures are all generate from the algorithms. Goal of the Project To Detect the Fraud Transaction with different classifiers and using Neural Network to bes...